We are grateful to skipper David Tod of Fife for allowing us to scan the relevant pages of his copy of Skipper Owner from September 1970.
There are several points of interests in the publication which are relevant to Campbeltown Shipyard. The St Adrian KY245 (Yard No. 2) which was built in Campbeltown and designed by her owner, David Tod, features on the cover and in an article about her innovative design,”Net Drum Trawling on Board St Adrian”. On the “Faces and Places” page there is a short piece about the change of ownership at Campbeltown Shipyard:
Campbeltown Shipyard
It is announced that the controlling interest in Campbeltown Shipyard, formally held by Thames Launch Works Ltd. has been acquired by the minority shareholders, Lithgows Limited. Campbeltown Shipyard will trade as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lithgows and has the continued support of the Highland and Islands Development Board. The company will principally engaged in the construction of small standard steel vessels, concentrating initially on a class of fishing boat based on the outstandingly successful designs already in service from the yard.
In the “Round the Yards” section there is a feature about St Adrian and Campbeltown Shipyard. It mentions her Cummins Marine Diesel Engine for which there is also an advert.
There is a page which features an advert for Thames Launch Works of Eel Pie Island, Twickenham, who initially started up the yard in Campbeltown.
More about the St Adrian:
St Adrian in the Campbeltown Courier
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