We are very grateful to Ronnie Young of Shetland for this article from Fishing News, published on 23rd December, 1988. Shetland’s New ‘Endeavour’, by James Nicolson, is feature about the Endeavour LK 173 (Yard No. 83) which was built in 1988 at Campbeltown Shipyard for Brian Morrison and Partners of…
We are very grateful to Ronnie Young for this article about the Campbeltown-built Maggie M MBE SH 170 (Yard No 81) which was written by Hugh Allen and published in Fishing News on 15th April, 1988. The Maggie M MBE was built for Scarborough Skipper, Bob Mainprize, and was named…
We are very grateful to Ronnie Young of Shetland for this article about the Campbeltown-built Maranatha II UL 33 (Yard No. 84), which was published in Fishing News on 17th March, 1989. The Maranatha II was built for the Pitcairn Fishing Company (Niven Ogg and Neil Rumbles), Lochinver. The Maranatha…
We are grateful to Ronnie Young of Shetland for this article about the Campbeltown-built ‘Be Ready’ LK 377 (Yard No. 69). We have already published a photocopy of this article from Bobby Wylie but here we can view a scan of the original article, published on 20th March, 1987. You…
We are grateful to Theo Fullerton and his wife, Betty, for these photos of the launch of Theo’s boat, the Campbeltown-built Be Ready LK 377 (Yard No. 69), which was commissioned and constructed in 1984 and launched in January 1985 at Trench Point. You can view more photos by Bobby…
LAUNCHING DELAY – an article about the delay of the launch of the Valhalla III due to gale force winds. The Valhalla LH 67 was built in 1982 for Eyemouth Skipper, Robert Veitch. This article was published in the Campbeltown Courier on 5th February, 1982, courtesy of Campbeltown Library. LAUNCHING…
David Tod B.E.M, skipper and enthusiastic participant of the Top Skippers’ Choice project, was proud to show two models of his boat, the St Adrian KY 245 at the TSC exhibition in February 2020 in Campbeltown. The tw0 models were made 50 years apart, the newer of the two being…
We are very grateful to Andrew Bremner of Wick for these photos of the launch of his father, Norrie’s boat, the Boy Andrew, in 1979. Te photos show the launch of the Boy Andrew WK 171 (Yard No. 44) at Campbeltown Shipyard. Andrew went on to commission the Boy Andrew…
We are grateful to Ronnie Young of Shetland for sharing his memorabilia with us. This particular archive entry is an article about the Campbeltown-built Connaught FR 131 (Yard No. 75). The Connaught II was built for the Stephen Green of Fraserburgh. This article was published in Fishing News on 4th…
We are very grateful to Ronnie Young of Sandwick, Shetland, for sharing his memorabilia with us. We will be publishing his collected material about Campbeltown-built boats in various entries here on the online archive. In this entry we are publishing three photos of the signing of the contract for the…