St Adrian KY 245 – David Tod Photo Collection II

This is the second of two collections of photographs of the St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No. 2) which was built at Campbeltown Shipyard in 1970. She was designed by her skipper, David Tod, and we are grateful to him from for agreeing for us share these photographs. 

The photos of the St Adrian KY 245 in this second collection show, amongst other things, the annual Pittenweem “Fisher Lass Day”, where the local fleet is traditionally all decked with flags and bunting. All the boats leave the harbour, sail around and re-enter in a designated order. Each boat carries a “Fisher Lass”, who is landed as each boat returns. When all the boats are in, the “Fisher Lasses” are interviewed by a panel of judges who decide which girl will be Pittenweem “Fisher Lass” for a year. 

Two of these photos were taken at Scarborough in the early 1970s, when David Tod & crew were contracted by the White Fish Authority to demonstrate the new hydraulic net drum to Hull and Grimsby trawler skippers. 

Other photos show the first St Adrian sailing with the St Adrian II KY 202, also owned and designed by David Tod. These were taken off the Fife coast, near Pittenweem.

The Adrian II incorporates many improvements to the first St Adrian. She was 42′ x 18′ beam, which was beamier than the normal 3 to 1 ratio. This was to comply with an under 12 metre regulation at the time, around 1980s. She still had a forward engine, again a Cummins engine, but this time 290 HP. The fish room and cabin aft made for a better balanced boat when carrying sprats. St Adrian trimmed by the stern when loaded, and the after cabin was more comfortable. She had 2 net drums and was the first boat in the UK to be built with 2 drums. The the gantry aft was much lower where we were able to take the lifting rope over the top on a large roller rather than through a hanging block, thus reducing top weight and improving stability. She also had a full length shelter deck where crew were able to work under cover. All controls from the wheelhouse, which was offset to one side, left more working space.  She was built at D.A.D. Munroe at Old Kilpatrick, on the Clyde 1979.  I had asked Leslie Howarth, at Campbeltown Shipyard, to build me this but as the shipyard had an efficient production line going, he said he would only build for me if I gave him an order for two! 

David Tod

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther, in Scarborough demonstrating her  innovative net drum. Early 70s. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther, in Scarborough demonstrating her  innovative net drum. Early 70s. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Peter Dunn, crew member and Andrew Tod, David’s father . Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Andrew Tod, David’s father. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Pittenweem Fisher Lass Day. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Pittenweem Fisher Lass Day. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned  and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

St Adrian II KY 202 built by Munroe of Old Kikpatrick and designed by Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod..

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned  and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned  and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned  and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned  and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod..

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned  and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned  and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned  and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Here she is pictured with the St Adrian II, also owned  and designed by David Tod. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

St Adrian II KY 202 built by Munroe of Old Kikpatrick and designed by Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

St Adrian II KY 202 built by Munroe of Old Kikpatrick and designed by Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

St Adrian II KY 202 built by Munroe of Old Kikpatrick and designed by Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod..

St Adrian II KY 202 built by Munroe of Old Kikpatrick and designed by Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod – photo: A. Denholm ©.

Campbeltown-built St Adrian KY 245 (Yard No 2) built in 1970 and designed by her owner, Skipper David Tod of Anstruther. Photo courtesy of David Tod – photo: A. Denholm ©.

Back of photograph proof – A. Denholm. – photo. Courtesy of David Tod.

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