Shipyard Staff circa 1980.
Getting Involved:
Did you or anyone in your family work at Campbeltown Shipyard? Or have any connection with the yard or its boats? If your answer is “yes” to either of these questions, we would like to invite you to participate in an SKDT project, focusing on Campbeltown Shipyard’s heritage. This is an opportunity for you and your family to be part of an online archive and exhibition celebrating the Campbeltown Shipyard Ltd, the people who worked there, and those who bought and crewed its boats. The project is also open to anyone with a family connection or with a Shipyard related story to tell. In short, anyone with any knowledge of the Campbeltown Shipyard is welcome so please get in touch! We have a Facebook page, which you can “like”, contribute to, and check for updates of information relating to the project. Please spread the word as we want to include as many people as possible.
The Campbeltown Shipyard Ltd Archive:
We are creating a web page and online archive blog where we will publish any information that participants wish to share:
- Could you write up your personal story about how you got involved with the shipyard and your time there?
- Or have you something you could write up about a family member?
- What you write could be a detailed biography or a short anecdote – it’s up to you!
- And were there any songs or poems written about the Shipyard? – we would love to hear!
- Do you have any photographs, documents or memorabilia you can share with the Archive? We won’t take anything that belongs to you – we will carefully scan papers and photos at our drop-in sessions, and photograph any artefacts such tools or nautical instruments that you bring, so you won’t have to worry about giving personal items away or losing sight of them.
- Do you have any technical information such as naval architectural drawings/plans that we can photograph or copy?
- Do you have any press cuttings, union cards, correspondence that we can scan and publish?
We will run 3 drop-in archive sessions which will take place at SKDT Community Centre (Formerly the Red Cross Hall), 40 Kirk Street, PA28 6BL, and there will be a further archiving session at Campbeltown Library, the Aqualibrium, Kinloch Road, to look through old Couriers etc. We will publish details of these events on this website and the Facebook page. If you can’t make it along to the drop-in sessions then please read on to find out the other ways you can take part:
Online Call Out:
You can send images and stories to the project electronically – so you don’t have to be based in Kintyre to take part. Any old photos should be scanned at 600 dpi, if small, and if larger, at 300 dpi. Your name should be included in the file name of any images and an explanatory covering note should be emailed with the scans. These should be sent to project facilitator, Jan Nimmo: We would welcome photos of artefacts – such as tools, models, union cards, certificates, scans of correspondence and anything else related to the shipyard. All your stories and photos will be included, credited and preserved here on the website in the blog section.
The Exhibition:
Top Skippers Choice: A Celebration of Campbeltown Shipyard:
An exhibition and gathering will take place in Campbeltown at the end of 2019 in Campbeltown Town Hall (exact date tbc). Any information or images you bring to the project may be included as part of the display or in a digital slideshow at the exhibition.
Now and ThenN:
We are inviting shipyard employees to send in old photographs of yourselves from around the time that you worked at the shipyard, and better still, photos of you actually at work. We would also like to include a photo of you as you are now. These would be included in the NOW AND THEN: Faces of Campbeltown Shipyard, part of the exhibition. Our aim is to have an image of each of the employees. Let’s see if we can do that!
A Shipyard Banner:
We aim to make a celebratory banner for the exhibition with existing community groups from the Campbeltown area, but if you are interested in joining in please get in touch – crafters welcome! The banner will be part of the exhibition and will then be displayed at Campbeltown Museum. For more info contact us:
Getting In Touch:
Please don’t hesitate to contact the project coordinator, Jan Nimmo, or pop into the SKDT office at the Town Hall.