We are grateful for Danny McGeachy for allowing us to scan and share these documents which are all related to the Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65). The Orkney Reiver was built at Campbeltown Shipyard in 1983 for Tom Harcus of Westray, Orkney.
We asked former Technical Manager, Jim Smith, at CSL for some information on this material:
Pages 1, 2 ,3 and 4 are computer generated stability calculations. The Naval Architect, probably Douglas McNaught, would input the vessel’s criteria for all the different loadings the working vessel would encounter, starting with the lightships condition. This would be the condition without fuel, water, oil and fish cargo. The next 12 conditions show the vessel loaded in predicted conditions i.e. Setting out for the fishing grounds with tanks full and hold empty of fish, through to returning to port with tanks near empty and hold full of fish. The calculation shows the longitudinal trim (stern to bow conditions of the vessel) for various situations. From the output of the calculations, the distribution of the ballast would be ascertained as shown on page 5 and 6. Page 7 shows the calculations resulting from the stability test which would take place with the vessel floating at the quay. This test showed the traverse (port to starboard) stability. For the Orkney Reiver an additional 10 tonne of ballast was required as shown on pages 8,9 and 10. Page 11 shows the positioning of the sacrificial zinc anodes which protected the hull from galvanic corrosion. This drawing also shows the transducers for sonar, echo sounder and fish-finder.
Jim Smith

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 1. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 2. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 3. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 4. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 5. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 6. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 7. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 8. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 9. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 10. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.

Orkney Reiver K49 (Yard No. 65) workbook – page 11. Courtesy of Danny McGeachy.
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