Hi Folks,
Stuart Mack of McDuffs Shipyard Ltd, who is based at the McDuff’s shipyard in Buckie, has been in touch to say they that have an archive of Campbeltown Shipyard drawings and calculations. I, for one, was very excited to hear about this!
Here’s what S Stuart says:
We have the following items here:
Small plans for about 75% of the boats, calculations for about 50% of them (I think because they built a few of the same design the calcs are the same each time).
Boat files for about 75% of them and some misc large drawings which are not in great condition.
If anyone wants to come to see them they can let us know what boat number/name etc they are interested in and we can bring them down from the loft. The access up there isn’t great but it’s the only place big enough to hold it all!
I’m quite happy if people want to get in contact with us/me direct and arrange a visit.
If you wish to contact Stuart and arrange a visit this is his email address stuart.mack@macduffshipyards.co.uk
I am looking forward to visiting Buckie in September to have a look at what’s there.
Jan Nimmo, Project Coordinator
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