We are very grateful to Stuart Mack and Natalie Dawson of McDuff Shipyard in Buckie for making us welcome and for the use of their computers and scanner during out visit to the Campbeltown Shipyard archive at their HQ in Buckie. We are also grateful to Jack Welford, a local pupil from Buckie High School, who has been carrying out work practice at the yard and who, during his summer break, was set the task of organising/rationalising the Campbeltown Shipyard archive. He’s done a great job!
As we only had a day in Buckie it felt like that we really only scratched the surface of what is actually housed at the yard – digitally documenting what is there would be a project in itself. That said, we were at least able to get an idea of the kind of material is available – it includes correspondence, contracts, press, some photos and general arrangement drawings. The drawings range from early tracing paper ink drawings to dyeline prints of CAD drawings. There are also detail drawings showing adaptations for individual boats. It’s a treasure trove really.
If you have an interest in seeing the contents if the archive the this can be done by appointment through Stuart. Email Stuart or call +44 (0)1542 831464
Finally like I’d like to thank Paul Barham who took a day of annual leave to help document some of the archive with me!
Jan Nimmo, Top Skippers’ Choice project coordinator.
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