CAMPBELTOWN LAUNCHES SIXTEENTH 80-FOOT SEINER. Article published in the Campbeltown Courier on 2nd September, 1976, which talks about the launch of the Fear Not INS 197 (Yard No. 33), an 80′ boat built at Campbeltown Shipyard for John McKenzie & Partners of Elgin. Courtesy of Campbeltown Library. Article published in…
Fear Not
We are very grateful to Sam Henderson, co-author of Fishing Boats of Campbeltown Shipyard, for allowing us to share this collection of photos of Campbeltown- built boats. Sam and Peter Drummond’s book, a labour of love, is painstakingly researched, documenting the history of Campbeltown-built fishing vessels up until 2009. Advance…
In one picture… the men and women who filled Campbeltown Loch with Success A MOTLEY BUNCH of workers from the most unlikely of backgrounds have created a success story on the shores of Campbeltown Loch. They are former miners, general handymen, tradesmen and housewives without any tradition of shipbuilding. We…
Fear Not. Photo by Jim Millar and courtesy of Leslie Howarth OBE This photo of the Fear Not INS 197 (Yard no. 33), built in 1976 at Campbeltown Shipyard, is one of the images that Lesley Howarth OBE, former manager at the yard, has brought to the archive. The Fear…
“Fear Not”, built in 1976 -Campbeltown Shipyard Ltd. “I loved my time at the “Yerd”. It was a great place to work. The camaraderie and the pride from the workers was second to none, as we built the most successful fishing boats in Europe. I worked in all aspects of…