This photo of the Fear Not INS 197 (Yard no. 33), built in 1976 at Campbeltown Shipyard, is one of the images that Lesley Howarth OBE, former manager at the yard, has brought to the archive. The Fear not was built for J. Mckenzie, Elgin. Les gave me the photo with some notes of the names as follows and volunteers Jim Smith, Davie Anderson and our Facebook followers have been very helpful, but there are some blanks to be filled in. Can you help fill names or amend any? If so email me.
Top Left:
Wallace Wylie
Robin McGowan
Ian Campbell
Johnny Campbell
Jim Martin
Ian McMurchie
Bruce Keyte
John McCallum
Arthur Crossan
Leslie Colville
Malcolm “Tiger” Hamilton
Martin Coffield
Alec Pollack
Malcolm Innes
Donnie McLellan
Alex Williamson?
Billy Morrans
Duncan Robertson
Archie Mathieson
Duncan McAulay
Jimmy McCallum
Willie Downie
Dougie Cook
Ronnie Brown
Harry McGuire
Ewan Campbell
Jan Mohammed
David Anderson
Billy McTaggart
Duncan Watson
Ian Wardrope
Gerry Boylan
Tommy Kennedy
Donald McPhee
David Wyke?
Ally Anderson
Archie Greenlees
Donal McArthur
Eddie Morans?
Ian Campbell
David Henderson
Neil McCormack
David Howell
Les McMillan
Archie Johnstone
Willie McCallum
Ronnie Grumoli
Ian Campbell
Angus Brodie
Roy Johnstone
Bobby Borthwick
Malcolm Cook
Andy Parker
Brian McShannon
Jimmy McLean
Ned McCallum
Campbell Wilkinson
Eric Chatterton?
Kenny Anderson
Archie McArthur
Tommy Campbell
Jean McLean?
Alistair Moffat
Karen McArthur
Jim Smith
Marjory Brown
Hazel Jones
Gus McDonald
Davie Wilson
George McGregor
Dick Potts
Tony Barnett
Dan Galbraith
Lee Mathieson
Donald Martin
Duncan Haddow
Willie McIntyre
Norman Harrogate
Ralph Hill
David McMillan
Andy Muir
Pete Stimpson
John McMillan
Dave Davis
Ernie Mitchell
Ewing McPherson
Norman Stewart
Ronnie McNally
Douglas McNaught
Leslie Howarth
John Munro
John Kerr
Peter Tolmie
Adam McLelland
Trevor Perkins
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