Willie MacCallum during his apprenticeship at Campbeltown Shipyard. This photo was taken after a launch. Photo courtesy of William MacCallum. APPRENTICESHIP On applying to Campbeltown Shipyard for work, I was interviewed by Tom McArthur who was the Engineering Foreman at that time. I was successful in starting a 4 year…
Revised list of names of Campbeltown Shipyard Employees (012/06/2019). After a call-out on our Facebook page we have managed to gather 250+ names of people who worked at Campbeltown Shipyard Ltd. I’ve trawled through all the posts and hope that I haven’t missed anyone out… if I have then just…
Fear Not. Photo by Jim Millar and courtesy of Leslie Howarth OBE This photo of the Fear Not INS 197 (Yard no. 33), built in 1976 at Campbeltown Shipyard, is one of the images that Lesley Howarth OBE, former manager at the yard, has brought to the archive. The Fear…
Peter Drummond and Sam Henderson. Photo courtesy of Jan Nimmo Yesterday I met with Peter Drummond and Sam Henderson, authors of Fishing Boats of Campbeltown Shipyard (Published by The History Press IBSN 978 0 7524 4765 00). They are both passionate and knowledgeable about the world of Scottish fishing. They…
Top Skippers’ Choice Drop-in Session – Poster: Jan Nimmo Hi Folks, We are organising the first of three drop-in sessions for Top Skippers’ Choice: The Story of Campbeltown Shipyard Ltd, for 1st July 2019, at Campbeltown Town Hall, 56 Main Street, Campbeltown, between 6-8pm . If you have a story…
Campbeltown Shipyard Ltd – Section of the Yard by Art Bowbeer. Courtesy of Leslie Howarth As well as gathering stories and images from former employees from the Campbeltown Shipyard Ltd., Top Skippers’ Choice aims to gather as much information about the boats built there, their skippers and the crews who…
Hi Folks, I have put the following list of names, dates and vessel types together for the boats built at Campbeltown Shipyard Ltd, based on various sources, so please feel free to comment if it’s not a 100% accurate or needs adding too. I’ll be adding vessel dimensions too but…
Campbeltown Shipyard Staff – early 1980’s – Courtesy of Cameron McLellan First of all we’d like to thank everyone who has “liked” and engaged with our Facebook page and especially to those of you who have been reeling off lots of names! – so far we have collected almost 250…
“Fear Not”, built in 1976 -Campbeltown Shipyard Ltd. “I loved my time at the “Yerd”. It was a great place to work. The camaraderie and the pride from the workers was second to none, as we built the most successful fishing boats in Europe. I worked in all aspects of…