MISHAP AT LOCAL YARD – article published in the Campbeltown Courier on 27th November, 1975. Courtesy of Campbeltown Library. The article is about an accident which happened during the preparations for the launch of the Emma Thomson. Donald McLellan, a joiner at the yard, was flown to hospital in Glasgow, with back injuries.
My granny was housekeeper to Archibald Fleming who lived at Craigbhan…the last house on Low Askomil. I went with granny to her work that day and she told me to go upstairs with Mr Fleming’s binoculars and watch the launch. I’ll never forget seeing the boat slip then go over and stop at an angle- I ran downstairs shouting that the boat had fallen over!
Peter Morrison

MISHAP AT LOCAL YARD – article published in the Campbeltown Courier on 27th November, 1975. Courtesy of Campbeltown Library.
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