Hi Folks,
Here are some dates for your diary:
Deadline for archive entries: 30th November 2019 (We still can add material to the archive but just can’t guarantee it will be processed in time for the exhibition in Feb 2020 as I have to start curating and designing the exhibition, which will take place in Feb 2020 – see below).
Exhibition planning meeting – Tuesday, 3rd December, Campbeltown Library, 6 – 7.30pm in the Quiet Room. If you would like to have a say in planning the content of the exhibition or can volunteer to help in some way – this could be distributing posters, sharing publicity of social media, setting up the exhibition, doing guided tours at lunchtimes, organising group visits to the exhibition etc.
I will be available to scan or photograph objects in Campbeltown on 2nd and 3rd December. Call me if you have something that you would like anything scanned or photographed: 07981642564.
Top Skippers’ Choice: EXHIBITION DATES:
The exhibition will be open to the public from 15th – 22nd of February 2020. I will be setting up on the 13/14th so let me know if you would like to come and give me a hand.
I will be publishing opening times and a programme of events in mid-January so watch this space!
Jan Nimmo, Project Coordinator.

50′ Stern trawler design from Campbeltown Shipyard. Courtesy of Douglas McNaught.
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