Yvonne’s a Smasher!

Yvonne's a smasher - Campbeltown Courier. Challenger II launch

Yvonne’s a smasher. This is an article published in the Campbeltown Courier on 4th November, 1977, is about the launch of the Challenger II PD 212 (Yard. No. 37), an 85 foot trawler which was commissioned for Andrew Strachan and Bill Innes of Peterhead. The boat was launched by Yvonne Strachan, Andrew’s daughter. Courtesy of Campbeltown Library.

Yvonne’s a smasher. Article in the Campbeltown Courier on 4th November, 1977, about the launch of the Challenger II PD 212 (Yard. No. 37). Courtesy of Campbeltown Library

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