We are very grateful to Malina McMcAuley for handing in this article by Bob Tomlinson from the Daily Record, published on Monday 4th April 1977. Malina’s father, John McMillan, is the former ploughman mentioned in the article:
For 22 years John McMillan worked as a ploughman near Campbeltown. Four years ago he was made redundant. “I’d worked on the land since I left school. I had never done anything else. I looked around and asked for a job at the yard and then started a six month retraining course. I’m now a plater”.
The boat that was being built at that time was the Sheilwood A 155 (Yard No.035), which was commissioned by Don Fishing Company Ltd.
Can we name any of the people in Fraser Ballantine’s photo?

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor: An article by Bob Tomlinson for the Daily Record newspaper. April 1977. Newspaper clipping courtesy of Malina McAuley.

Courtesy of Jim Smith.
Jim Smith, former employee at Campbletown Shipyard, has had a go at putting some names to faces. Perhaps you can help fill in some of the gaps?
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