We are grateful to Ronnie Young of Shetland for sharing his memorabilia with us. This particular archive entry is an article about the Campbeltown-built Connaught FR 131 (Yard No. 75). The Connaught II was built for the Stephen Green of Fraserburgh. This article was published in Fishing News on 4th…
We are grateful to Ronnie Young of Shetland for sharing his memorabilia with us. This particular archive entry is an article by Hugh Allen about the Campbeltown-built Inga Ness K 44 (Yard No. 90). The Inga Ness was built for the William Sandison of Westray, Orkney. This article was published…
We are grateful to Ronnie Young of Shetland for sharing his memorabilia with us. This particular archive entry is an article by Hugh Allen about the Campbeltown-built Alison Kay LK 57 (Yard No. 82). The Alison Kay was built for the John David Anderson of Outer Skerries, Shetland. This article…
We are grateful to Ronnie Young of Shetland for sharing his memorabilia with us. This particular archive entry is an article about the Campbeltown-built Marigold INS 241 (Yard No. 86), Focus on Scotland: Marigold. The Marigold was built for the Wyvis Fishing Co. and skippered by Alex Patience of Avoch….
‘SEINE NETTING TOPS WITH US’. We are grateful to Ronnie Young of Shetland for his collection of memorabilia and this archive entry comes courtesy of Ronnie – it’s an article published in Fishing News on 1st June, 1990 – Campbeltown Delivers 80ft ‘Budding Rose’ – a feature about the launch…
Mr Iain McCormick, MP for Argyll, meets some Campbeltown Shipyard Workers on Tuesday Afternoon – An Article published in the Campbeltown Courier on 8th September, 1978. Courtesy of Campbeltown Library. Can anyone identify the workers? If so, please email us. Article published in the Campbeltown Courier on 8th September, 1978….
Article in Fishing News about a new design from Campbeltown Shipyard, for the Shemarah II LH 65 (Yard No. 97), commissied by Douglas Moodie & Son of Longniddry, East Lothian. This was published in Fishing News on 9th December, 1994 and comes to us courtesy of Ronnie Young of Shetland….
Article published in the Campbeltown Courier on 30th June, 1978, which talks about the launch of the Fram VN 449 (Yard No. 41), an 87′ boat built at Campbeltown Shipyard for H. Christophersen & Partners of Vestmanna, the Faroe Islands. Courtesy of Campbeltown Library. Article published in the Campbeltown Courier…
THE NEW BOAT LAUNCHED ON SATURDAY AT CAMPBELTOWN – An article published in the Campbeltown Courier on 12 May, 1978, which talks about the launch of the Kestrel INS 253 (Yard No. 40), a boat built at Campbeltown Shipyard for Ian Sutherland & Partners of Hopeman. Courtesy of Campbeltown Library. An…
CAMPBELTOWN LAUNCHES SIXTEENTH 80-FOOT SEINER. Article published in the Campbeltown Courier on 2nd September, 1976, which talks about the launch of the Fear Not INS 197 (Yard No. 33), an 80′ boat built at Campbeltown Shipyard for John McKenzie & Partners of Elgin. Courtesy of Campbeltown Library. Article published in…